Spread the Love

Last week I was nominated by my friend Girl in Glasses for the Spread the Love event that’s been going around, though this was the first I’ve heard of it.  Still, I’m happy that I’ve been tagged to take part in this lovely event.

spread the love


  1. Write 10 four-word sentences about what love means to you
  2. Share your favourite quote on love
  3. Nominate 10 other bloggers to join in
Love is…

Caring for each other.

Never quick to anger.

Sharing your deepest secrets.

Finding comfort in silence.

Knowing each other’s thoughts.

A hand to hold.

Being able to forgive.

Picking each other up.

Faithful, kind and true.

Packed full of memories.

Favorite love quote

love quote 2


  1. lily pups life
  2. All The Joys
  3. But first, coffee
  4. a hundred tiny wishes
  5. Arbitrary Scrawling
  6. milk bubble tea
  7. hyperactive daydream
  8. Tales of a Triplet
  9. 99+ Sly Thoughts
  10. The Owl, The Fox, & I

Thanks once again to The Girl in Glasses for tagging me and I can’t wait to see everyone else’s responses (if y’all wish to do so).

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3 thoughts on “Spread the Love

  1. adeleinglasses says:

    Thanks for helping to spread the love, I really like reading everyone’s responses to this event, puts a smile on my face :) I especially loved your quote, great choice and how true!

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