My Essential iPhone Apps [2017 Update]

Two years ago I posted My Essential iPhone Apps to share some of my favorite apps with you all, but we all know that things change.  Since this post I have deleted a few of those apps either because they were no longer useful or I didn’t like the updates they’ve gone through over the years.  So I think it’s about time I give you an updated version of my favorite iPhone Apps.

Apps That Stayed


I’m still using Echofon, and still loving it.  I just love using the dark theme and I don’t get those annoying ‘here’s what you missed’ sections popping up all the time.  It’s so easy to use and I’d recommend this app for any Twitter user.


Obviously.  But as of last year I now have a second account strictly for bookstagram, and I’m the admin of the Instagram account for work.  I’m still on the fence with the stories update, but the one I really love, now that I have 3 accounts, is being able to switch between them without having to log out each time!


This is still my go-to photo editing app and honestly, I don’t see that changing anytime soon.


Need I say more?

New Favorite Apps


I use this app very often at home when I want to listen to some tunes.  I don’t mind the ads too much, since I often get the option of watching a short video for 30 minutes of ad-free music.  I’m able to listen to great music on my playlists and find new songs easily.  I love going and listening to a new song on Spotify a few times before I decide if I’d like to add it to my iTunes collection.


I know there’s the regular mailbox that is programmed into the iPhone, but a while back I started having an issue with my gmail through that app, so I downloaded the Gmail app.  It’s actually easier to sort through my email on that account and to actually delete the old emails instead of just archiving them (which is what happens on the iPhone email app).


This app is really useful if you tend to get distracted with your phone when you need to be working or studying.  You set the amount of time you want to be working and while you are, the app plants and grows a tree.  If you leave the app early, then your tree dies.  It’s even good to use when you’re out with someone and don’t want to be distracted by your phone.


This year I’ve gotten into planning and making lists.  So I recently downloaded this app and it’s great!  It’s easy to use and it syncs between your devices and the web.  Plus, it’s free in the app store!


I go to Dunkin’ Donuts a lot.  I’ve had the app before, but just never got into using it.  I decided to download it again after Christmas when I got a gift card, just to make it easier to track how much money was on there after each transaction.  But as I started using the offers and earning points toward free beverages, I decided I should keep it and just reload my card.  After all, whether it’s cash or card, I’m still spending the money there… right?

bible Gateway

A very easy app to use when I need to look up a Bible verse when I’m out and about.  I also have the ESV Bible for references, but Bible Gateway offers multiple translations for easier reference.  Also, there is always a verse of the day on the main page of the app for a little devotion.

What are some of your favorite apps to use?

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