Friday Five: Blogger Love v.36

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you're all prepared for tomorrow... I know we still have to get our candy for the neighborhood kids because for the first time four years we're able to give out candy again. Why four years?  Well, October 2011 we had the infamous Franken-storm that basically cancelled Halloween, and the following … Continue reading Friday Five: Blogger Love v.36

Confession Session {4th edition}

You ever have one of those days where you have a plan and then, BOOM, it all just gets obliterated for no apparent reason?  Yeah, that happened to me today... and yesterday.  Maybe I should just stop planning to do things and just go with the flow. Eh, maybe not. Anyway, I had the urge … Continue reading Confession Session {4th edition}

Danger Zone

Have you ever watched a football game and noticed how many times the players knock over or nearly knock over the people on the sidelines?  I'm not just talking about their coaches and burly teammates, but the sideline refs, water & equipment boys, security men and more importantly... the media crews. Yes, the media crews … Continue reading Danger Zone

Podcasts I Enjoy

I actually got into listening to podcasts last year when I started listening to The College Info Geek Podcast with Thomas Frank.  For a very long time, that was the only podcast I listened to because it was hard for me to find others that interested me. Why listen to podcasts? I find that podcasts … Continue reading Podcasts I Enjoy